My DD9 has never had formal IQ testing done. We have been relatively happy with her school's ability to differentiate in the early grades but I felt like 3rd grade was not challenging for her overall (she was accelerated (grade skip) in math and that helped for the first 3 months or so). I'm trying to be a better advocate for her entering 4th grade, but am struggling.
Her grade level assesments all showed 99%, so I felt like an out of level test might help. I just received her SCAt results from the IY2 form (spring 6 norm)back which showed:
Verbal 443 69%, Quant 464 87%
The question is - now what? She's currently in 4th grade doing 5th grade math, does the Quant score indicate a need for another skip? I thought the verbal would be higher (in general I'd say her strength is that area, not math) but the analogies strategy might have thrown her.
Can anyone offer any insight. The new scores aren't up for other CTY talent search kids, but comparisons to last year showed she was in the 56% in verbal and 85% in Quant
Last edited by Debbie1996; 10/04/11 07:13 AM. Reason: typos