This sounds like a great idea, and it's free!


By popular demand, this is the inaugural month of my foray into this format. No charge for the first month as we get the technical kinks worked out.

The end of high school is on the horizon. What�s next? Do you walk the traditional path of college? How do you find the right college? What should you major in? Which of your many areas of curiosity should you pursue, and in what ways? What environment will be a good fit for you? What about choices other than immediately attending a 4-year college? Do you find yourself overwhelmed with all the things you could do? What is really available, and how do you find out about it? How can you make such important decisions? And how do you actually manage all of the complexity of actually getting from here to there?

For many gifted or twice-exceptional students, the standard guidance may be of little help. It may be too broad, too narrow, or simply may not fit their passions and unique learning styles. Furthermore, they may need help in managing the executive functioning tasks needed to get through the process. The object of this group is to help emerging adults explore their own ideas and passions, to discover and evaluate the multitude of options available to them, and to realistically identify, design, and walk a path that will be a good fit for them. Within a supportive and interactive group, participants can share ideas, give each other feedback, and witness each others� journeys.

Computerside Chats are an opportunity to create ongoing communities of various interest groups, with regularly-scheduled online videochat meetings, in an confidential, safe space. Chats will be held online, in interactive voice / video meeting rooms with a shared whiteboard. Groups will be kept small, and all participants will have the opportunity to speak with me privately to find or create a group that will be a good match for them.