Originally Posted by Nautigal
Well, the school came up with a solution today!

He's going to have his own math class. There is a paraprofessional who worked with him a bit last year on his ALEKS, and apparently she has been a 7th grade math teacher in another local district. She is going to take him when his class is having math, and teach him at his own level. They will do a placement test to see just where he is in their curriculum and go from there. The class has math from 1:00 to 2:00 and math lab from 2:00 to 2:30, and she will take him from 1:30 to 2:30, so he will have that first half hour to work on his other stuff and then his math overlaps so he won't miss a thing! And it's flexible, so that if the class is doing something that would be good for him in math lab, he can go to that.

Yay! smile

I suspect it will get more exciting next year, figuring out what to do, since he will likely finish 8th grade math this year with this plan. Hopefully she's around next year!

Wow!!!! This is an amazing accommodation. Wahoo for public school. I wish I could remember the acronym...was it dok?... drooling on my keyboard!