Originally Posted by Gusto
....but the juxtaposition of the total battery percentiles against the component percentiles still does not make sense.

I'm not an expert, but I think that his composite PR simply means that 7% of students missed 2 or less problems on the whole test. What you have to keep in mind is that there would be some students who outperformed your son in one area while under-performing in another. His score on the math part was exceptional, but other students may have missed one more on math but zero on reading or another part. Had he only missed the one problem in math, his PR would have had to be much higher.

Obviously, this test is a really poor test at the high end, with way too low of a ceiling. He did fabulously on the test, and with only 2 questions missed you can't argue that. But 7% of students did just as well (or better) than him, so this test alone isn't going to put him into an "exceptional" achievement category. OTOH, if someone is trying to claim that he is NOT exceptional because of this test, they are way off base.