Originally Posted by whitebackatcha
The test was the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. It is not in any way meant to test for giftedness. It was given as a part of a research study, and the tester gave the results in a year/month format. I was simply curious to know if there was an understood typical versus possibly gifted range for such a test. This correlation may not have been done though, because again, it wasn't meant to test for giftedness, for obvious reasons.

My little guy 2yr 10mo just had a similar test as part of his follow-up with the speech language pathologist. He was a late talker and said very little until February of this year (maybe 10-15 words?). Towards the end of the receptive language part of the test, the SLP was flipping through pages two and three at a time trying to find where it got 'too hard'. She gave up somewhere after 4 years. I would have liked to know where he did cap, just for curiosity's sake. His older sister is HG+/PG and 2e. I can't comment on how this vocab test correlates with IQ. I do remember DD having a similar test at 3.5 (also a late talker... very late!), but I do not recall what the results were. It could not have been too outstanding, though, or I would have remembered.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery