
I still have the constant refrain in my head from my mom regarding one of my older brothers, "please stop tapping", "please stop jiggling", "please sit down", "please go outside to do that", "put her down now", "please stay in the room while I speak to you" and so on. From my perspective as a younger sibling my brother's excess energy was just lots of fun.

It did invade school, he had difficulty staying seated, was distracting to other students, and had complaints from teachers (which may partly have been boredom as he did not receive much differentiation until perhaps middle school). It also invaded sports as he never could quite stay focussed long enough to win anything (exception swimming, in which loss of focus causes sinking). Later (high school) gymnastics and wrestling went fine.

But as the hyper-ness never affected his academic achievement in any noticeable way everyone just lived with it, medication was suggested at some point but I believe turned down. Around puberty he toned down quite a bit, and then again more at around 30. Now to meet him he seems average, but that is probably just sleep deprivation.

Currently he runs a company, seems to thrives on juggling all his commitments and personal assistance gadgets, only rarely appears tired, somehow still finds time for thrill seeking sports and his kids' science fair projects, etc. Really found an an environment for himself that rewards his energy.

My parents did not find any particular strategies other than trying to keep him busy and handling his organizational tasks entirely for him until early high school years.
