Originally Posted by Michaela
Wow, I'm surprised so many people don't have gifted teachers in high school...

Our county has gifted magnet programs through middle school, and has been playing with the idea of opening a high school for gifted kids. Since thus far their idea of what constitutes appropriate gifted ed and mine don't mesh, we won't be availing ourselves. Dd is applying to the STEM magnet, and ds is taking a lot of online classes so he can take every music elective available. He's a walking illustration for the math/music connection.

One of the things that homeschooling really illustrated for me was the fact that I can't let the schools have complete responsibility for their education. In fact, sometimes school just gets in the way of it. So what we've ended up doing is letting them take the classes that they have to have but which are not the least bit interesting in the most painless way possible (mostly the public school honors classes, which are weighted the same as the gifted classes but require a tenth of the homework), so they have time to do more in-depth study of other things-- like ds with his music, and dd with her current obsession with genetics. Of course, when I said this to one of the gifted magnet parents her head exploded, so I suspect it's not an approach that works for everybody.

Last edited by eldertree; 07/12/11 02:54 PM.

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."