LDmom, how did you prepare your kid for the achievement test like Explore.Is there any books or et that I can use? Thanks!
I just want to point out that when testing for these purposes, it's probably not a good idea to spend a lot of time preparing for the test. If you want to get a good idea of where your child' achievement really is, then don't prepare for the test, other than to familiarize the child with the types of questions, etc...
Besides, I doubt that your child will need much preparation!

By the way, the ACT website has sample test questions for each section of the Explore. I had my DD try each of the samples (and I timed her). That was the extent of our preparation.
Good luck! And DO apply to DYS. It's worth doing.
Looking at this situation, I would actually vote FOR some test prep (which I didn't even do for my own kid!). It looks like this child has been "held back" by his schooling situation, as I can't see that he has received any acceleration at all from your post. I'm absolutely floored that they don't have him assigned to the gifted class; it's the classic example of schools missing the most gifted children. Have you been doing any homeschooling, or after-schooling?
I'm sure he could slam dunk that test intellectually, but in
general you can't solve a math problem if you've never seen it done. He will probably only need to see it once. Give him the example test, and see what he gets wrong, and teach him that topic.
Life of Fred might be a fun way to show him the math. But I'd wager that giving him any textbook might ignite that intellect, and off he'd go! Khan Academy or Alcumus (pre-algebra) might also be good choices.
Just my humble opinion. Also, I'd wager that learning some new and harder math will make him very very happy.
Good for you for getting the testing done!! My guess is the next 6-12 months will be eye-opening for you as you read more and more about giftedness.