Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
As we travel further along this road, I am coming to the realization that there is no 'normal' gifted definition. It presents differently in each child. In my child's case, it manifests in her different thought process, amazing memory and emotional sensitivity. I think my DH and, particularly, I need to let go of our preconceived ideas about gifted children and spend more time discovering all the things that do indeed make our DD the great child that she is. I believe in my heart that the world will be a better place because of her, in some manner or another. Whether she reaches the highest of heights or coasts at her own speed... I have faith that she is going to find a way to channel herself. And when she does, watch out!
Wonderfully put! I'm so happy to see this thread because my DD7 recently had DYS-qualifying scores and I was quite confounded until, as you said, I realized there is no normal definition. Goodbye, stereotypes!

As best I can tell, when DD does use her extra brain horsepower it is either to better enjoy being a 7-yo girl or to win an argument (the results of which will allow her to better enjoy being a 7-yo girl). On the computer she will build a fairly elaborate amusement park in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 not because she's interested in rollercoaster physics or managing finances of a theme park, but because she likes to pop the balloons her park's guests release into the air.

Recently she has been showing a growing interest in science and history and has asked very pointed and difficult-to-answer questions. Still, even though I bought her a very good kids' science encyclopedia, she has not yet read a page. She's just so busy doing stuff.

Last edited by Pru; 06/15/11 04:06 PM. Reason: typo