I recently brought this subject up with my DDthen8's teacher. They said she was VERY well liked and a leader! She said the girls "flock to her"...but then I told them...She hasn't had ONE single friend over all year..(she was had a very active social life at her old school..with oler kids) and she hasn't called one girl to come over to play! They couldn't believe it! I think maybe she just prefers to keep her new friends at school. And that's that. She is being cautious about making best friends (she had some real life lessons in that) and she is "playing it cool!" I think that she hasn't found anyone that is interesting enough to her that she wants to go out of her way to see..

BUT she is very happy to be liked and that is enough for now. I am seeing what I can to do enroll her in classes that expose her to older children. She already takes Ballet with older girls and it is such a good fit. They live very far away, but she would play with those girls anytime! smile