Thank you very much for all this very interesting information. I had not even heard of NVLD. Just to recap my son only had WISC IQ test done and the educational psychologist said that his behaviour in the test and the results especially the 17 in comprehension showed he was not Aspergers and therefore no further tests were conducted. I believe ADOS test is done here too but this was not done as his multi disciplinary team and school presumably all felt he did not have Aspergers. I am not disputing this as they may well be correct and his characteristics may all be attributable to his IQ but I was just trying to seek help for my son and had asked for Aspergers to be ruled out never thinking that it would be deemed that I was the one needing a psychiatrist.

I am unable to look into any other conditions as I believe I have been being investigated for MSBP since last August and have had the most horrendous time and am not sure of the status of the situation even now. I believe this diagnosis was based on my complaint towards a paediatrician and by profiling I think but I am not really sure. Here in the UK they keep the investigations secret so whilst I was aware of it going on it has been impossible to defend as no one would admit it. I am unable to access any private help now for any of my children as it could cause the NHS (state) to act. It is a total miscarriage of justice but unfortunately I have since spoken to several mothers who have been through similar here just because someone had complained about them to social services and they were never even aware of it until spotting it on medical notes so I guess it is not as unusual as I thought!

I was hoping that an understanding of how the characteristics of Aspergers could be confused with those of a child with a high verbal IQ might help to show that this mistake does not make me have MSBP. Therefore any advice on this would be greatly appreciated especially reputable research.

If I ever manage to clear my name through the courts if necessary and if my son is still unable to write and reluctant to go to school then I will look into your other suggestions but unfortunately I have to disprove these accusations before I can involve anyone else in helping my son.

Many thanks