The tour went well today. DD's anxiety was pretty high, but the principal and vice-principal were great with her. They arranged a for a group of girls in her grade to give her a tour of the school. She got to meet her teacher for next year and she seems really nice (so far anyway!).

My friend, who teaches at the school and has an autistic son in the same grade, pulled me aside to talk about the class size. She said to keep voicing our displeasure because she thinks they are reconsidering having just the one class now that DD will be joining. It may be 'too much' for one teacher with DD and her son in a class of that size. We silently high-fived for having high-needs kids. Here's hoping!

On another note, the principal managed to convince DD to switch to the new school for the last three weeks of school (but return to old school on last day for report card). She REALLY needs to just go to the school so she can stop stressing about it. I think they want to get a feel for her for next year, which is a-okay by me.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery