If you have a university close to you, you may be able to have testing done by a grad student, proctored by a psychologist in charge of testing. The expense is nominal and it will give you a good jumpimg off point.

When looking at school options, keep in mind that just like all kids, GT kids are all different. Take some time over the summer to try to identify your DD's strengths and weakness' and advocate based on what you know. BELIEVE what your "mommy gut" tells you. All of us here have spent multitudes of time second-guessing, backpedaling and turning ourselves inside out about the decisions that we make. Worry about what comes next but be very careful about looking too far into the future. You will drive yourself crazy!

You will find people with kids on here that have taken every path. Subject acceleration, radical acceleration, homeschooling, afterschooling, unschooling or a little bit of everything mushed together.

My DS who is also 8 attends a charter school 1/2 day where he is radically accelerated to 6th-7th grade. I homeschool the rest of the day. But this wouldn't work for many. Only you have the information required to make the choices. You're the mom and you know her better than anyone.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!