Awwww...thanks so much for the support and cheers! The principal said they do the testing in April and we will have the results back before the end of the school year. I'll let you all know how it works for us.

On a side note, we have run into some interesting issues with MrWiggly, stuff I thought we were successfully avoiding. He has become very self conscious about being the youngest in his class. He told us that he has stopped telling his friends that he is 6, because they don't believe him and tell him that he "can't" be 6 in second grade. The problem is his birthday is coming up in two weeks. I asked him what he's going tell everyone and he calmly replied, "I'm going to say that I'm 8 because they already think that I'm 7!" Oh what a tangled web we weave! We've had a talk about how he can't keep that up and needs to be honest about his age, but he wasn't buying it. We'll have to keep working on that issue.

And, he also shared with us that there's a boy in his 2nd grade class who is teasing him and calling him a "nerd". Ugh. I had really hoped that this wasn't going to come up for much longer. I can't believe that he isn't even 7 yet and has been pegged by classmates. He hears me and his siblings talk about being geeks and nerds, but it is with love and affection for who we are, not the derogatory use of the words. So, we've had to have that talk, too.

I guess what I've read and heard is all true - it is a long journey with new things to address as you travel the road. Thanks to all of you for being here. Having this supportive community helps a lot.