Ok, back after some sleep. I found it fascinating that both of you brought up ADHD and this test!

When DD saw the Psychologist 2 yrs ago it was for investigation of learning delays not giftedness and giftedness was never mentioned by her as a possibility afterwards. The psychologist noted in the report that DD tired easily, was restless and vague in her answers and often lost focus. That she complained of being tired when tasks required effort or when she needed to listen to instructions but that she did not have the same difficulty when she could listen while also looking at something relevant. After the ADHD talk came and went, Auditory processing disorder and possibly dyslexia were talked about as possibilities, this was all in person but not really mentioned in the report.

Just last week, as I was booking into a 2E conference it was suggested to me that the majority of kids this person knew who were strongly visual spatial learners with auditory processing issues/deficit had all been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD once they hit high school. And interestingly that their auditory issues had resolved on treatment for the ADHD. We were strongly advised to investigate now, even if we don't think we would change anything now, so that when she needs help in highschool it's been long documented.

In our case though this possible ADHD seems to have impacted the WISC more than Ravens. With the Ravens I tried once before, she did about 5 and refused to do anymore (boring and annoying I guess). Yesterday afternoon I felt she was in a good space and tried again. I left her alone for about 10-15 mins and when I came back she was getting annoyed but had only 19 to go. So I gave her a piece of chocolate and sat with her, chatting with her a bit, and taking the opportunity to point out where her Dad and I had made mistakes as a chance to model that everyone makes mistakes and we aren't phased by them.

So she got a long way in on her own but I did have to help her stay happy and focused through the end. And she was also pretty quick (20-25 mins?) so didn't spend long enough at it to get too bored. I would say she did it at the same speed I did, partly just on my vague sense of time passing and partly because once I sat down I had generally only just worked out the problems again when she would make a choice and move on. Interestingly this was about half the time it took DH to do the test when he did it but we all came out with scores in the 135-137 ball park.