Originally when the OE program started, the school year technically followed their school year, but if you registered early they let you start over the summer as an added bonus, then they just revised the school year to a 12 month year. I I don't like the way they worded it and I would rather have seen a price increase and retain the 12 month year, but they don't ask us. wink I know some parents are opting to wait over the summer if they don't use it and pay the $25 fee to enroll come fall term. If your child doesn't need a full year then the 3 month enrollments through the individual OE program might be a better choice than the 5 month group OE if you don't use the LAW.

Last edited by melmichigan; 04/29/11 11:58 AM. Reason: way to many spelling errors

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader