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Posted By: doodlebug NUMATS test reports yet? - 04/30/09 12:15 PM
I've been off the site for a long time - new job = busy, busy, busy! We are still waiting for the report from Northwestern CTD. Anyone got theirs yet???
Posted By: elizabeth4 Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 04/30/09 12:29 PM
We're still waiting in Michigan. smile
Posted By: PJCVSI Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 04/30/09 07:58 PM
Also still waiting in Michigan. I was told they would be sent out around the end of April or early May. (Haven't received this year's MEAP scores yet either!)
Posted By: KarenDV Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/04/09 07:03 PM
Also in Michigan...
You're referring to the score distribution info and such? I was told two weeks ago they'd be mailed out last week, but I still haven't seen anything yet.
Is anyone going to the awards ceremony June 6? We'd love to meet other Michiganders! My son is in 5th grade(homeschooled), and we're in Grand Rapids.
Posted By: PJCVSI Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/05/09 01:49 PM
We have not recevied the NUMATS score distribution yet, but we did finally receive the MEAP scores this week.

We haven't heard anything on the awards ceremony. I assumed it was sort of an invitation only type of thing (and haven't seen an invite yet)!
Posted By: KAR120C Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/05/09 03:01 PM
Nothing here either... I think the award levels are listed on their website, but I'm running out the door right now and don't have time to track down the link...
Posted By: marieg Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/06/09 07:05 PM
We received our scores about a month ago (IL) and my daughter received a letter she was invited to the awards ceremony at Northwestern (we are going). We were told we would receive something which showed how she did compared to the gifted children who took the test but we haven't. We only received the report from ACT showing her scores compared to other 8th graders.

Here is the link to the award levels:

But let me tell you, I SURE WISH a highly gifted person would take a stab at reorganizing and simplifying their crazy website....!

Can someone tell me if all the IL kids who scored well go to the Northwestern ceremony? I read something about a ceremony at Il Math and Science as well. They won't tell us anything except that she qualified for an award.
Posted By: Deb K. Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/06/09 09:06 PM
No CTD packet in Wisconsin yet either. I did call CTD and talk with Maureen Hanrahan (not sure if I got the spelling on the last name correct). She said they had been waiting on one document, but that they were (on Tuesday, April 28th) in the process of mailing them out. Like I said, I'm still waiting. Wisconsin's ceremony is this Saturday and my daughter was invited so we're going. It sure would be nice to know more about her scores before we go!
Posted By: Mommy2myEm Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/07/09 07:59 PM
My packet came today. I like the different recommendations for acceleration and class recommendations. It looks like DD is ready for ACT/SAT next year and will "graduate" the Explore. I find it amazing that there are 3rd and 4th graders who get 25s on this test. It will be nice to meet them at awards.

Posted By: OHGrandma Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/07/09 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dottie
Remember too, there isn't much difference between a score of 20 and 25 on the Explore. The 25 represents pretty much perfection, and a 20 could have just a couple of wrong answers. After seeing a sample test, I'd call anything 20+ pretty much at the ceiling. Too bad C-MITES (our local search) doesn't have awards, cry .

What kind of progression do you think a child would make each year, 3-4 points increase per test?
Posted By: Mommy2myEm Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/08/09 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Dottie
Remember too, there isn't much difference between a score of 20 and 25 on the Explore. The 25 represents pretty much perfection, and a 20 could have just a couple of wrong answers. After seeing a sample test, I'd call anything 20+ pretty much at the ceiling. Too bad C-MITES (our local search) doesn't have awards, cry .

Good info, Dottie. I was unsure why certain scores from last year didn't move much, but maybe DD hit the "ceiling" on those. I still wonder about the science test, because that continues to be the "weakest" for DD. She is in her grade level (with one skip) in science and she found herself running out of time and unfamiliar with the material. I don't know if this is a weak area for our school or just a matter of critical thinking on her part. Any thoughts how to make this area stronger esp. when we move to the ACT/SATs.

Posted By: Ben Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/08/09 10:38 PM
I still haven't gotten a packet...but I got a postcard. It said I scored in the top 3 on a section of the ACT. Anybody else get one? I'm supper happy!
Posted By: marieg Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/10/09 07:50 PM
My big brag since I got the NUMATS scores for 3/4/5/6th graders package last Thursday:

DD 10 (4th grade) scored a 25 on the English and 25 on the Reading. There were only 7 students to hit 25 for 4th graders in English and only 1 to hit 25 for Reading!!! It must be her!!
Posted By: wendydg Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/10/09 09:50 PM
Yay! I know you are so proud! What a smart girl.

Posted By: PJCVSI Re: NUMATS test reports yet? - 05/20/09 12:59 PM
We had been waiting for the statistical summary and the planner but they have arrived at last. I think the planner will be quite helpful.

While my DS didn't make the Numats awards, he was close! He was in the top 3% of 4th graders but he won't be 10 until late September.

I guess the next step is to do some further testing and take a shot at DYS. My head is still spinning a bit about the whole conecpt and how to proceed!
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