Originally Posted by sydness

Interested in computer based vision therapy. She went it for another round of VP and finished the first section, but there was so much homework and she wouldn't do it.

So I stopped paying.

They also took away her prism glasses, which she wouldn't wear anyway.

It is very expensive for the office therapy, it just about killed us, lol. but dd did most of the work, or we also might have stopped (what would have been the point, right?)

the computer program was about $75 all together, so very very affordable, comparatively - we are glad that is all she needs this round. It is called CVS, if you want to talk to your dr about it - from 'home therapy systems'. My ds did the program, as a self-sufficient fellow of age 15, he hammered right through it in the prescribed time and now his vision is better than normal (just slightly better). So it can be done.

but you do need a code from the dr. to buy it, so chat with them, if you think she is ready for it/needs it.
good luck on getting the eyes working together and the uvulas working separately!