Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by BSM
Originally Posted by eco21268
He had a project worth 40 points in history.
He received 25.
I asked teacher why (teacher does not supply much feedback).
Teacher said because DS wrote "Large Empty Space Ignore It" in an empty space on his page.

I'm confused. Did DS not answer a 15-point question and write that comment instead, or did he just write the comment but otherwise answer all of the questions? If it is the latter, the teacher has no business taking off points.

I'm equally confused! One suggestion we've had given to us when we had issues with not understanding grading was to request that all graded assignments be sent home so parents can see them. If it was an assignment that wasn't meant to be sent home (happens a lot here in high school because they re-use the same assignments year after year)... then the student would have to return the assignment to school the next day - but it had to come home first.

LOL.. Good luck in H.S. getting a test send home tests NEVER EVER EVERY come home. Particularly in math. Your child usually gets the tests returned and usually 15-20 minutes to look it over and then they are returned to the teacher to be LOCKED IN A FILE CABINET NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. (Unless it's a final, you never see those.) I tried to see some of my DD's math tests (she had an IEP) and it was extremly difficult. I had to make an appointment with the teacher, remind teacher ahead of time I wanted to look at X test, and sometimes they wouldn't even comply. The teachers don't even have ready access to the file cabinet they lock them in.

It's because cheating is a HUGE issue & they want to re-use tests. I have a better idea.. Return the tests and make NEW TESTS every year. That seems to be a crazy novel idea.

As for graded being updated. I think students do have a right to have their work returned in a timely manner. For example last spring in science my son's teacher didn't return ANY labs second semester until the last week of school. FIRST lab was marked 15% off because he didn't put in enough details. And guess what so were the rest of the labs because he didn't get the feedback and more detail was necessary. Hurt his grade and since it was already the end of school there wasn't much to do about it. (And this wasn't just him.)

I'll excuse teachers for extenuating circumstances. And teachers don't all need to be on the same time line. But it's inexcusable when teachers leave ALL the grading until the last week or so of school.