Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
But what I mean is that life is long, and strange. It takes you a lot of interesting places in due time. ANY of them could be maybe not "THE" thing-- but certainly "A" thing. A passion of the moment or of convenience still teaches me things that are interesting to know. -

I strongly agree. The fields I explored deeply without remaining in them professionally became part of who I am. Any experience can change one for the better. I don't believe that any learning or experience is wasted in life.
I am also a DEEPLY introverted perfectionist. I just have to keep my senses open to things that suit my nature. I couldn't bear to go back to being a professor.

Which is just as well, as I rather slammed that particular door shut upon leaving to care for my then-toddler, I fear.
Not necessarily. My mother did something very similar after the birth of her first child, then went back two decades later, but found that her interests and experiences had widened to the point that this was no longer satisfying, which speaks to the first part of your comment.
I make the world a better place. that's enough for me. smile
..and YES.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...