DS1 is In 2nd grade and I've long suspected he is GT. He attends public school,very small, only one classier grade generally, 200 kids preK-8. We have excellent private schools near us but our salary puts us out of reach of scholarships and the cost of tuition. I'm trying to get a FT job to afford what looks tobe our most likely necessity, changing schools.
Ds's class generally lets him read at his own level. He's currently at about a 5.3-5.5. His teacher just asked him to read easier books in class while they work on character development. She assessed him last fall at a3.1, but I understand most teachers don't have the time or resources to test beyond grade level. My big issue is math. He is bringing home papers for addition tables, yet he understands multiplication and fractions. Math is a group activity at school so little possibility for him to move at his own pace unless we supplement at home. I have concerns about that as well!
I was GT as a kid back in the day when they pulled us out for GT programs. By 3rd grade I had finished the k-6 math program so they got me a book from the middle school. Back then the schools cared about GT kids. Now it's all about teaching to the lowest common denominator. We have a great school but they are clipping his wings.
My brother (also GT with two GT sons) is a fifth grade teacher in CO and recommends we pay to have DS privately assessed. I have a list of names from a CT GT advocacy group but I don't know where to start to find a good assessor.
Anyone know of a good assessor? Should I try to work with UConn or Yale instead of a psyD? I could also take him to Ny, Boston or D.C. but that would be harder.
Advice please?