Originally Posted by mich
Additionally, a hallmark of a learning disability is inconsistency. A child with a disability should never be punished because they are "on" on certain days. When they are off - they are off. Not because they are lazy, unmotivated, or stupid. They are "off" because of their disability and it is usually very very difficult to maintain a high level of efficiency over a long period of time. Celeberate the successes, but keep in mind that the amount of energy and effort needed for these success is almost always impossible to maintain for a long period of time.
I agree with this completely. My DS6 has dyspraxia (includes dysgraphia and other issues too) and one of his teachers keeps telling me that "he can write properly when he wants to" and pulls out the same assigment he did some months ago that really does look good compared to his usual writing. I tried explaining that inconsistency goes along with his disablility, but she doesn't seem to see it this way. She then suggested I read a book about "pampered child syndrome." Agggh