Our son is in private K now and the other private we would move him to would want him to repeat K.

The reason we are moving him is that we had some issues with his past teacher for the usual stuff - hated us b/c we asked that she please differentiate for him as he was refusing to go to school because of the work he was forced to do daily (workbooks on Abc's - when the kids is completely reading...like 2nd grade-3rd grade books). Anyway - the teacher yelled at us and I felt really hurt our son for a time being. We ended up moving classes, but she is still there and is one of the owners..so I am not sure what this will mean if we kept him. The school does go to 3rd.

As far as my dd's gifted school (the school we wanted ds in). The school said we should bring ds back next Jan and reconsider him - as his scores are so high. They say he just needs to mature. The gifted school does a stellar job accelerating for the kids but the teachers yell, and its very rote learning and the atmosphere is kind of rigid. Parents are not allowed to be involved at all (super white tower philosophy). But its the only real gifted game in town..and I have these 2 kids and feel worried about pursuing anything else - even though this school is so wrong for them both in so many ways.

I have started to feel like raising"gifted kids", as far as schooling goes, is really no gift at all frown