Originally Posted by Iucounu
I would try desensitizing her a bit. So when you search for new reading materials, keep an eye out for ones that might contain a few uncomfortable elements, but that aren't so over the top that she will be unable to read them. I expect that she will pretty rapidly begin to respond, and be stronger for it.
I think that's sound advice too. Her pet rat died in her arms late last year, and within 30 seconds of that happening she was crying about how Mommy and Dadddy might die and that she never wanted a pet again, etc. She has never wanted to visit its grave once but she still talks about it and even sits in the corner of the couch where it died as a tribute.

Recently, when she overheard that her great grandma was not feeling well, she said matter of factly, "Maybe it's just her time now." So she has been prepared, so to speak.

Still, I think I'll avoid Charlotte's Web for now.