Originally Posted by Grinity
Spend at least 30 minutes sitting quietly in a first grade classroom, kindy and 2nd grade. My guess is that will tell you all you need to know.

Some families do kindy and skip first, particularly if it's a half day kindy. If your son has done any preschool with agemates then you have a pretty good idea of his tolerance for agemates.
and the Marathon continues!
WJ-cog isn't one of the more popular IQ tests, so I don't have much info on it. Seems like it sure it hard to know what will happen in kindy until you get there - unless he has had 'issues' with agemates previously in daycare/preschool.

Is it a half day kindy program? If so, you could certainly try it and see how it goes - particularly if the teacher is hand picked. Somehow teachers of younger kids are often better at accepting and accomidating 'individual differences' than teacher in mid-elementary school, after all the flip side of
Originally Posted by common knowleged
they all even out by 3rd grade
is that the teacher isn't expecting to have to accomidate such a wide range of individual differences.

I love the idea of subject acceleration, for math and reading, if the school will offer it.

It might be nice to do kindy with agemates, then get a WISC IV after he turn age 6 to decide on skipping 1st. Again - not if he has a history of 'issues' with agemates in preschool/daycare.

If it's a full day kindy program, sometimes the schools will allow kindy in the morning and 1st in the afternoon.

Go in and observe! That's the best way to know. I mean it.

Love and More Love,

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