
Do you have the subtest scores from the WPPSI? My son took it at 4.5 and had a great deal of difficulty with the timed sections which also required him to use a pencil. So while his overall FSIQ was still high, the tester believes it would be much higher if not for that subtest.So maybe you could address your gut by seeing where were the strengths and weaknesses.

Also, while you can't take the WPPSI again so soon due to familiarity but you could take the SB V and then offer both to the school, if private they might be willing to say, okay he had a bad day with the other test scores being higher.

I absolutely understand the pressures associated with the testing little kids to get them into appropriate schools - its so frustrating because at this age you can't approach it they way you could even an 8 year old in terms of doing your best, etc.
