Originally Posted by pamom
They do have some personalized instruction set out. While that was not typed out we did sign the PIEP b/c we did want her to get started. I think I will observe the next couple of months and know next grade to push her teacher and then ask to redo her PIEP. I will also ask for subject evaluation in her third grade. Did not wnat to be too pushy the first time around smile
So the original problem was that she was bored. I would monitor this on a weekly basis and see if the problem is solved 'enough.' I think you need to keep the teacher in the loop so that after about a month, she has some idea if it's working. Of course, perhaps it will work and wouldn't that be wonderful, but I wouldn't delay to report if it isn't working. Try to get into your mind that you aren't being 'pushy' you are helping the school to fulfill it's mission by doing your duty as a parent - which is to close the feedback loop.

It's wonderful if a child is able to behave well and make the best of things even while being unchallenged, but that child shouldn't be penalized for their good behavior - which is why parents have a duty to 'close the feedback loop' and keep their children's school informed if things are actually working or not.

Love and More Love,

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