Yeah I'm kind of worried about # 2 also. If # 1's a daredevil and he's here being a bad influence, scratch that, since he's her first best friend, does that mean she's going to climb the walls and do flips off the darn sofa twice as early?
My thoughts were it was easier to train than restrain. He really never thought he was a baby. I read somewhere toddler's get told what to do about 500 times a day. That statement put everything in perspective for me and I began to use as many of my daily allotment of 500 "suggestions" as possible to tell him what to do rather than what not to do. The boy does not like to not be able to do stuff, the more he knows, the more he's able to do. But that lead to unsavory hothousing, well, apparently. I don't know, the boy has a self-sufficient independent personality. Got it from me and dh. So I took those 500 x a day that I was going to tell him what to do anyway and used them to give him skills. I did not be child-led because I just tried to teach applicable skills, figuring he could explore his interests if I showed him the basics. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it helped.
He acted more like a baby when the baby got here than he ever has in his life. Lol, I could go on and on about my family. <333

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar