hi all thanks for the hugs and advice!

So a slow processing speed can be a sign of gifted, NOT ADHD?

I'm pretty sure he has ADHD though. He tries to focus and can't even when the material interests him. I remember I asked him once how he could have such a great memory yet he couldn't space in when I was trying to help him with his homework.

He answers "I have a disability that doesn't allow me to function."

ADD is on both sides of the family. My hubby is ADHD, I'm ADD inattentive, I have sibs and hubby has sibs with it too.

I don't think ADD is necessarily an illness but a different "wiring" in the brain that today's society can't cope with or appreciate.

I augment DS's education with Science Sundays:) I make every Sunday all about Science, his favorite subject. He loves Mythbusters, How It's Made, Stormchasers, etc.

Hugs to all!

Last edited by exhausted; 03/11/11 09:22 AM.