I would be very reluctant to attribute his behaviour to adhd at this stage. When I consider how I feel and behave when I am not intellectually challenged it gives me much more sympathy for these kids, and I can completely understand why a gifted kid who is not might appear to have adhd. I have to say...I spend most of my days at my kids' school and very few of the kids (even those who are identified as GT) seem to be bored. Maybe a lot of it is just wanting to be home with mommy? Or maybe it is his LOG. I'm not much help. But maybe keeping him home until next year would be something to consider.

I can say re: the OT issues that a lot of the Montessori work is really really excellent at helping with OT stuff. The OTs are always impressed with the fine motor skills of my 7-yr. old with Down syndrome and attribute it to his environment at Montessori.

Good luck-sounds like the gifted charter would be a good option for next year!