After reading JB and Dottie, DS 8 is similer in some respects. He is 8.5 and in 4th grade (Skipped 2nd) and goes to 6th grade for math at the MS. The grade skip is going so well, you would never know he is younger then everyone. (A little imature at times, and his writting skills are not in the top of the class) He is a little tall so he does not stand out, and we have hadno bully problems todate. From what I see every child is differnet. DS8 could benifit academiv=cly by another skip, but for know he is happy and things are working out. I believe the no bully issue is from a few things, we have worked with him to limit how often he raises his hand, he cannot help others unless aksed, he is supportive of others without trying to look better, I run a math club at school. In the MS I know a number of the MS boys from scouting and they know DS from some camp outs. Also some MS studenst attended math club with DS last year. Each part helps him in someway. Next year we are looking at an additional Math skip to Algabra (Mayabe). I am also considering running a math counts group at the MS next year. They have nothing in a school of over 1,700, the entire district with 4 middle schools has nothing. I digress.

One interesting point, if we had not grade skipped him and only subject accelerated, he would do much better in any math or science competitions by grade, ratehr then age. Also sports in our area is by grade and he has to play basketball with boys 1 to 2 years older.