I worry about all these issues with my subject accelerated daughter, but honestly in the past few months she has been happier, better adjusted, and more socially successful than ever before. So, I do worry about the future, having to accelerate further, whether its ever enough, and what do we do with her when we run out of pre-college options for her. But then again, she is really, really happy. Right now we are just trying to plan for what is appropriate in the next year/year and a half.

We have been very, very fortunate the way math acceleration has been handled at dd's school. I'm sure there are other cases where it hasn't worked out so well.

Bullying is an issue and all schools are different. However, I do think bullying is more likely to happen in a same age or near age class. That two year grade skip should mean that the older kids know better and that teachers will be on the lookout for bullying. Being in the classroom for just math is different that being in the older classroom all the time.

I'd be more worried about what would happen for math the following year or whenever elementary switches to middle school, or middle school to high school. Even if these are divisions within the same building, this seems to be where things get complicated. Different class periods, calendars, field trips, etc. I'm sure the "if we skip him this year, what will we do with him next year?" dilemma has already crossed this principals mind.

Warning: sleep deprived