Aculady - Thank you so much! We did briefly consider financial aid for Duke TIP due to some significant medical bills over the past year. Normally, our HH income would not meet the guidelines for aid, but it had crossed my mind to apply with the medical bill considerations (and we have decent insurance - cannot imagine what other families must do!). DS1 had some good local opportunities last summer, however, and he is very much a homebody, so I didn't pursue the Duke TIP angle. He is young for his grade & rather shy, as well. We may consider one of the Duke online classes for him this summer, but he is also applying to be a JR TA at a local summer camp (it's a bigger deal than it sounds, for various reasons) and we are also considering a camp at the Kansas Cosmosphere & Space Center. Thank you for the info, however, and your posting + Katebee's is prompting me to consider the LD issue for DS2. It is definitely food for thought & the school had never mentioned it. I appreciate your concern.