Given the discrepancy between the VCI and the PRI, and the fact that the coding and processing portions do not appear to have been administered, you might want to ask the school to assess for possible LDs. Ask in writing. They have to evaluate him. They will almost certainly re-administer the WISC-IV with the previously-omitted sections as part of the evaluation, and if you disagree with their findings, you can request a private evaluation at public expense, which they are obligated to provide unless they feel like taking you to court to prove that their evaluation is correct. BTW, you do not have to give them a reason why you believe that their evaluation is incorrect if you disagree with their findings.

You might find out that there are previously unidentified processing issues there when you get a complete eval, and you might find that there are not, but you and they will have a current and most likely more accurate picture of his functioning, which will certainly be helpful in determining the most appropriate placement for him. And you won't have had to pay for a private eval.

Edit: I firmly believe that that "appropriate placement" is in the gifted program, BTW...he has a VCI of 144, for crying out loud.

Last edited by aculady; 01/22/11 06:17 PM.