I have a child much like your child.... extremely sensitive to the point that she would cry when other children were hurt, sick, etc. as well. I can tell you, to someone who doesn't understand a "gifty", it comes across as immaturity, but anyone who knows anything about GT kids knows it often comes with the territory. DD used to get those stomach aches, the anxiety with teh panic attacks. We had since taught her coping techniques (deep breathing, distraction, etc. and it worked wonders.) She is now several years older, has since had to be grade skipped, and is doing phenomenally (a little too well, even with a grade skip... meaning, she still isn't challenged) though we still have the intense emotions at home. She handles them beautifully at school though. Continue to push for you child though. Don't let the teachers discourage you. We went through preschool, K, 1st grade... all with doubting teachers that what they were doing wasn't enough. By 2nd grade, the light went off (though no one doubted her abilities, but more so they felt insulted that we suggest she still needs more beyond what they were doing.) We listedned to the teacher, but decided to take it one step further and pursue the grade skip with the princ. on our own, and at that point, there was total agreement and the teachers biased opinions on what harm might come from skipping a child didn't matter. Charge foward, you know your child, and be comforted in knowing she isn't immature, she's right where she's expected to be!

By the way, you can only do so much outside of school enriching. Remember they are there for 6 hrs. a day etc. and that' s a long time to sit there "bored". DD asks me why the school isn't capable of teaching her something she doesn't already know (with her skip even!) UGH! One step at a time! Don't think accomodations are a one time thing that solves all. For a child that learns so fast, their pace still is faster than what they are trying to teach them and they still bypass the new material!