Hi all,

Sorry for not posting sooner, we've been seeing a gifted specialist and reading lots!

DD is a divergent thinker too, hence being taught in increments doesn't work for her. In effect she just knows the answers, but doesn't know how, so apparently we have to work backwards to get her to demonstrate how she got there. We'll see how we go.

I'm considering homeschooling for a term to help her resiliency levels but am concerned about removing her from school and then re immersing her, although it would more than likely be in a different year group as we've been advised she needs accelerating and also above level testing and then p/t homeschooling as a permanent feature of her education.

As always, this is all new to me and I'm a little overwhelmed with taking on the educational responsibility of a profoundly gifted (and profoundly sensitive!) child, even in the short term. Not to mention fighting the school, etc. etc. Oh, not to mention terrified of the though of no reprieve from her intensities. I know this sounds selfish but I'm built the same way and so I'm unsure who would be in tears the most!

Desperate for advice (again!), but feeling better that I'm finally getting a handle on what the problem is. Now I just need to figure out how to make life a little easier on us all!

Hope everyone is happy and well :o)

K x

Last edited by katebee; 01/18/11 12:19 AM.

'I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.'
K Mansfield