Originally Posted by DeHe
Originally Posted by shellymos
[ He doesn't really play with toys or anything. If you gave him an action figure he would have no idea what to do with it. He might take it apart though and put it back together.

Did you/ do you worry about that?

Not really...I thought it was different when he was younger I guess. But I saw his face light up when he does stuff he loves. I watched a couple years ago as people got him random toys like action figures for his birthday and he was polite, but totally disinterested. Someone got him a zhu zhu pet for a birthday and he said "Oh, I guess this one if for my little sister" and then gave it to her. He still plays with tons of stuff...but it not the typical toy stuff that other kids his age play with most of the time. He still has some of the same interests like building stuff...but he is more likely to search stuff on his computer, play games, send us random emails (yesterday one was about how he read that some people think the sun will explode in 5 million years). Today he was somehow fascinated with how the brain works. He still has a variety of interests in many different areas so I am not concerned at all. When he was 4 or 5 he told me "some people think ________ is fun, but to me fun is MATH!" and his whole face lit up. Honestly, I can't remember what the blank was but it was some toy that others were interested in. There are many other signs of aspergers that don't have to do with playing with toys at all, and my son doesn't fit those so it was not a concern for us. I did go through a time when he was around 3 that I wondered more about it...but lots has changed.