Mine had an old iPhone with no phone service but loaded with games and wifi email used by the gp's. He lost it. Or threw it away. He told me a monster ate it. I'm still mad. I don't want to talk about it. He changed his story to say a monster ate it then spit it in his hand and he took it and hid it from the monster and now he can't remember where. I don't see how. The only monsters are on tv. He says he has monsters in his room and showed me these tiny figurines of the incredible hulk and black spiderman. He mostly plays with cars. He has a huge collection he's been building for years from squishy baby tonkas to his latest a garbage truck. His truck shaped flashlight has rescued several cars with it's tractor beam. His ford truck has fed the cows. Today I saw him put his yellow 4 door international pick-up on a stool and announce, "this is the greatest and the best truck ever.". He's been watching monster trucks on the tv with his dad, you can tell. He wrecks his trucks, flips his trucks. Takes care of his trucks. It looks like they all have personalities. He lines them up side by side so they can all watch tv and leaves them there. He let's the tv babysit his trucks. That's not so bad. I don't like when he lines them up behind me to watch me work.
Ok, his life's not all cars. Although at the hubby's request we don't let the boy play with things that aren't his toys. Pots and pans, random stuff on the desk or kitchen table. He has a real drumset from the music store for up to 13 yr olds. He has a how to drum DVD that he asks for now and then. Since the drumset's in the corner of my living room he runs to it when there's a catchy song in a movie.

Oh yeah, I started this post to re-mention the common rule of thumbs for uncommon kid's. Forget the manufacturer's suggested age. I think a lot of the computer stuff the boy does is for 6 yr. Olds. He's also keeps playing with this Mozart music cube which is a block for babies that plays a different song and lights up depending on which side you touch. It's meant for six months olds. He loves the battery toys, hex bug battle bridge, looked like a boring one trick pony to me, but he loves it. He's got that blues clues animated dog furry robot thing. He sits against the wall and let's it walk into him. Looks like it tickles. It tickles him anyway.
On and on, Supermind magnetic, trio blocks, erector Jr, solo operation w/o batteries (he calls it playing doctor). We don't get out of the house much. An awesome convertible desk/easel with crayolas, markers, and tempra paint. I had the paint put up. It was by request only. One day he showed me a painting. I went and looked at the paint. The lid was on right. It was put away properly. There was no mess. I gave him the paints too. That reminds me to go post my Christmas tree story on the creativity thread. Ps I second kidzui. $7/ month, over 5,000 clean YouTube videos, disney, nick Jr, kid safe google, like a kid encyclopedia. Hard to install. Ask customer service for help. Other wise you might end up with a Lego looking failure screen. and starfall's already approved but stuff like Cernland you have to manually approve.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar