Good one Grinity.

For the study, not just someone's opinion:

The Simplicity parenting book was not a study but just some guy putting out his ideas to make money. Sarah Palin also wrote such a book. I am not saying either one doesn't have something to say but NOT A STUDY.

The interesting thing about the Newsweek article is the discussion of documented studies of creativity analysis.

And perhaps the Simplicity author would jump on the whole outside thing because the guy sounds like a clever marketer. But I do agree that it is about stuff. That is what the whole outdoor thing was about. Using what you find and making it work instead of finding the stuff you have to use. I remember an Elmo's world episode of some kids in Africa finding scrap wire and bending it into these trucks they played with and I thought that kids in America don't get the chance to do that. A couple of years ago some kids made this elaborate castle on the beach and found all these twigs and made suspension bridges, it was so creative.

When Dd and I go through the woods in the evening with the dog, I find that she gets so creative in things she finds and pretends and works with them. Something she never does with her free time and Barbies or free time and drawing.

I found the articles enlightening and answered questions for me so I hope others find them useful. I find the concept of creativity in the Newsweek article changes my perspective on the subject.
