Free time? It's anything DS8 wants to do. He's an only as well who loves my company. So free time for him is free time for me, and I NEED.

The link with creativity- I know he needs huge amounts of free time to let his mind roam wherever. If he doesnt have it, he gets really cranky. That happened when he went to school for a year. He started violin lessons a month ago and I basically don't interfere except to tell him he has to practice a few times a week. It's going okay (ie his teacher says he's doing well), but what's interesting is that he's started writing his own songs. This is Suzuki violin. They don't introduce note reading at the onset, so he made up his own coding structure based on what he can understand.

Over the years, free time has allowed him to build his Lego into transformers (and he made them moveable). People who've seen his stuff when he was 5 or 6 have asked if I did it. Duh! Free time has allowed him to chase up on whatever topics he wants. His reading is at grade 12 level because he reads anything he wants, based on interest.

My wish is for him to do more physical sports during his free time, and to mingle more with friends. He doesn't think so! Ive been encouraging this for the longest time but in our case, this part is structured time in that I've signed him up for yet another round of activities hoping that something will take and continue to look for social opportunities for him.

Last edited by blob; 01/14/11 07:35 PM.