Is each visit about 50 to 70 minutes? I've never really hear of IQ test being done in such small chunks, but maybe the tester is saving you money by not doing it all at once?

It's hard to spend that much money when things are going 'pretty ok' - think of all the babysitting that 900$ or talk-therapy for you the 900$ would buy. In the end, of course you'll have to trust you mom-gut. The security of knowing that if your DD does turn out in her teen years to be on the autistic spectrum that you did everything humanly possible to get an early diagnosis and not loose those early years is worth quite a bit, in my experience.

But the whole question about 'ist this tester really experienced enough with HG/PG kids to be useful in sorting out this very delicate issues bothers me, though. Worth re-reading 'Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis' again (sorry)

I wonder if you can talk to the Tester and see
a) show her the old IQ test and ask her how many evaluations she has done with kids with higher IQ scores than your DD in the last 5 years.
b) try telling her that the 900 out of pocket is really going to hurt and is there an '2nd best' alternative

Your other option is to get on the waiting list with a tester that really knows PG and really gets AS girls, Dee Lovecky comes to mind. It involves traveling, but better that than throwing good money after bad, I think. In our family the wrong diagnosis delayed certian options for several years - although who know if that was or wasn't for the best.

Love and More Love,

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