Thanks amazedmom smile. This place is a godsend!

Hi Chris, DD is 8 and her scores were as follows:

SI 19
CO 17
VC 16
VCI > 144

BD 11
PCn 16
MR 12
PRI 119

DS 15
LN 13
WMI 123

CD 11
SS 13
PSI 112

From my research they're hardly deficient just scattered. The school have offered some extension work, but according to the G&T assn. I just contacted not nearly enough and her dip in PRI is likely due to refusal to answer questions due to fear of failure. I have since found out she hid under the table, behind the sofa for much of the test! I guess I won't know her actual ability without a retest with a professional in the G&T field which she doesn't currently have the resiliency for.
Being labelled xceptionally gifted is just hard to swallow when her overall score was not as high (>98th percentile rather than 99.9th for verbal).
We've been advised to homeschool, at least part time.
All advice gratefully received!
Hope you're good smile

'I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.'
K Mansfield