Hi everyone,

After being told that dd was 'smart' but had emotional issues/depression/social problems and/or lack of coomon ground with other kids our GP referred her to a psych. One year on and after ruling out adhd, aspergers and a host of other things we were advised by her teacher and a G&T specialist who happened to meet her that she should be IQ tested. The test has determined that she is profoundly gifted for Verbal Comp. (99.9th percentile) but substantially less so in other areas. Apparently this could account for the frustration and anxiety she suffers and obviously doesn't help with her perfectionism and pervasive fear of failure. We just want to help her, both at home and also through schooling and aren't sure how. We, psych included, have serious concerns that she isn't getting what she needs and that this is causing psychological implications. Does this sound familiar? Is it just a case of muddling through?
I'm hoping that this is a place where we can 'fit', if that makes sense, even if only virtually!
Thanks, K x

'I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.'
K Mansfield