Originally Posted by Michaela
I think that the shape of the 'right answer' may be a toolbox, containing the kind of sound-byte style ideas Kinsella used in Afganada. Stuff I can USE, but also that DS can HEAR, and maybe find useful at some key time himself. Stuff that will help him recognise a) that he's doing something difficult, b)i) that he can learn, ii) that it's ok to want to learn, c) that learning will likely be frustrating, and d) that he can handle frustration.

In which case, here's my first guess at an answer:

-- "One more for luck"

I love 'one more for luck' - great tone, spirit and so true that if we do the legwork, luck will follow!

Just noticing when he is being patient (even a tiny bit) and praising that seems like a safe bet.

I'll bet you have all kinds of techniques that work very well, but I wonder if you have the time and energy to notice and celebrate them. It's very unmotivating to celebrate when there is no audience to delight. So perhaps we need a 'Parental technique brag thread'

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