Oh boy, do I ever feel where you are coming from. I often feel like I am letting my DD8 down or failing her in some way. She was identified as PG last year to our complete surprise. We thought it was just her ADHD.. and to some extent her issues in school do stem from that. Our biggest struggle is that she is the most unmotivated smart child in the history of the world. She does not want harder school work or different school work. She hates what she has to do now. She gives the bare minimum that is required, and that is with much encouragement. Her school is happy to challenge her but she wants no part of it. She would rather focus on recess and playing with her friends. On one hand we are happy that she has great relationships with her peers and is well-liked. On the other, I feel like we are failing her somehow.

DD's psychologist is a big proponent of following the child's lead. She said that we need to focus on her interests at this point in time and forget about the word 'potential'. It is DD's choice as to what she will ultimately do with her abilities. I am trying my best to be supportive of keeping her a normal and happy kid at this point. I think parenthood is fraught with doubt and worry that we are not doing the right thing. I wish you luck with your journey.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery