I "allow" quite a bit, though I would probably confiscate anything too far out, as in some of the very *graphic* graphic novels that are out now.

DS didn't choose to read Gregor, BTW, it was a teen book club selection. He actually didn't want to read it, but once he started listening, I think he enjoyed it. The book club has been a good way to expose him to more than fantasy books, which are his favorites. They read an Agatha Christie, for instance, which he enjoyed more than he had imagined he would.

He likes the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, LOTR, Eragon and Eldest, that sort of thing. He also likes Percy Jackson, Tamora Pierce, adult Star wars novels, and a weird never ending series of books about warrior cats. He's been reading the Redwall books on and off since he was six. He has always loved non fiction too, especially science books. When he was two and a half, he used to enjoy reading about rocks and seashells in field guides. Now he is taking chemistry and is so happy to finally be doing something with the periodic table, which he has been fascinated by for years.

If it helps any, my older son liked Crichton books like Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park when he was a tween. smile