Originally Posted by Drea4545
But, as a parent, I know that verbal abilities are my daughter's strength!
Anyone have an idea? I probably should request to see her full test battery. I know very little about the COGAT- it isn't something I use.

Our ds10 had odd scores on the cogat as well, high-ish on verbal and actually quite low on quant., which I had always thought was a strength of his. Verbally he wasn't really all that super fast, but visual/math stuff he always just 'knew' (although sometimes he is pretty darn slow with certain rote aspects). But since then I have come to admit he's pretty great in verbal stuff, most of the time. He's certainly interested in it. I just figured the math part was not quite right for him.

One thing that was a red flag that this test was pretty off was the special code you get for the learning profile...have you gone to cogat.com and plugged that in? Anyway, the one we got for ds said stuff like, 'place this child with faster children so they will absorb more over time.'
This was just not something I was seeing at all, and finally after a couple years I have just gone over the school's head and ds10 is taking algebra and finally somewhat interested in math again, after several years of UTTER BOREDOM...so the cogat really does not work for all kids.

Last edited by chris1234; 12/28/10 03:16 AM.