blob, It could just be a visual spatial thing as well. Your mentioning the "zero understanding" model may just seem that way because he is trying to link it to something for more of a whole world view/how do these things relate? And then "aha" happens - yes? My DS is very VSL. I see the wheels turning in his head as he does this; and I try to relate it to other things, or go where he wants to go with it, through his avenue of thinking. I feel fortunate that my mind can do that for him (I homeschool). Like mich said, try figure it out now - early intervention is best. My DS's language is so much further along than it would have been if I had the wait and see attitude that his ped prescribed. All your sons strengths will probably move him along quickly in his progress.:)

Thanks, mich, for the program tips! We are always looking for ways to help link things together.

Mom to DS6