Mom0405 - great explanation - this is what I see with my ds. What has helped my guy is learning a very structured approach for organizing his thoughts, as well as an approach to improve word retrieval. When someone gives him a system to use, he is better able to organize what he knows using the system and express it more coherently, cohesively and completely.

Things like Brain Frames, Mind Maps and programs like EMPOWER can be helpful.

Again, as the load increases and school becomes more voluminous and complex, these kinds of organizational problems can become very difficult.

If your child has not be thoroughly evaluated by either the school or a private evaluator, I would recommend doing so. This problems often do not happen in isolation. The difficulties you describe with motor skills could indicate some overall difficulties with planning, sequencing and overall organization. This can manifest itself in academics, social situations and physically. Early intervention is best, and often when a child gets the strategies in place in elementary school, they can be off and running in MS and HS.