I don't know. I'm not completely sure what I'm thinking here. I've posted before to ask those that are more experienced. I just can't believe that a differnt kind of mind applies only to just one aspect of a person's life. Discipline I ask about because my mom's complaints about it is nagging the back of my mind. Family structure, if I have to think why I would have added that, um, I would say that maybe gifted kids would be more interested in taking responsibility for their own choices more? But you don't want to dump more responsibility on a kid than they want or are ready for. But it's hard to tell because gifted kids "present different", I think's how I've seen it worded. I still have to parent my kid. But I can tell I want to baby him more than he wants to be babied so I fight the urge.

I've seen what the parents were likely joking about in a movie. I forgot which one. Some parents were bragging to another family at a barbecue about their "little johnnie is so gifted" while the little brat was destructively terrorizing the place and the parents had no control over him because he was too "gifted" for school and society. It's a cliched snark.

OTOH I'm not really easily embarrassed. I'm not embarrassed by parenting. I'm not embarrassed by carrying a screaming child out of the store because I tried to drag him shopping when he's tired. I'm not embarrassed by the poo or puke badges I clean off of my shirts and jackets. And I can't imagine I'll be embarrassed when the kids start school and don't fit neatly into the box. I do worry about embarrassing myself when faced with a teacher who is "less than helpful" at some point in the future. But I'm actively practicing using my big girl words. I'd hate to call the teacher an ass-butt for being rude and unreasonable. Sadly, I might.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar